Chapter Spotlight: DSC WYOMING


By Carson Keys, DSC Chapter Coordinator

The fastest growing demographic in the hunting and outdoor industry is women. Thus, it’s no surprise that we have an increasing amount of driven and passionate women taking on leadership roles within DSC Chapters.


Jamie Moralez, Executive Director of DSC Wyoming, is one of those sportswomen. From my experience working with her over the years, Jamie is a natural leader. Relative to some of our other chapters, Wyoming’s sparse population could have made community difficult, but lucky for us, Jamie rose to the challenge. She not only articulated a vision of bringing people together from across the state for the benefit of wildlife and wild places, but also successfully garnered support from across Wyoming and has set up a new and energetic board of directors.


Recently, I had the chance to catch up with Jamie and see how things were going in Wyoming…


As a chapter, what are DSC Wyoming’s focuses?

  • As always, DSC Wyoming is focused on funding projects for women and youth in our state.
  • Additionally this year, our chapter has been restructuring, and it has been my main focus to recruit dedicated men and women to serve on the board. I am happy to say we will have a new board by the end of the summer!


How long have you been a chapter leader, and what motivated you to get involved?

  • Currently I am the Executive Director of the Wyoming Chapter. I have been in this position for close to 3 years and am loving it! I believe this role fell into my position for a reason. My employer, Keith Garlick, started the club in late 2018, and I assumed the ED role after being hired on as his Executive Assistant. Mr. Garlick knew this position would be a great fit for me because of my upbringing and my love for the outdoors. I am motivated to be part of DSC because I want to make a difference within my local hunting community. Plus, I find the work very rewarding.


What do people need to know about DSC Wyoming?

  • I would like people to know that we are dedicated to help fund projects that benefit women and youth, and our doors are always open. We want to grow our chapter by hosting events and activities for our members all while having a good time.


What is your favorite part about being a DSC Chapter?

  • My favorite part about being a DSC Chapter is having the opportunity to help fund projects of our choosing right in our home state. When I get to see pictures of women on their first big game hunt that we funded… when we get thank you letters in the mail from our local youth for purchasing much needed equipment… that’s what does it for me.


Can you give us a few examples of your favorite projects or initiatives?

  • I personally have loved helping The Sisterhood of the Outdoors. It’s awesome what they are doing for sportswomen around the country. DSC Wyoming helped fund 4 pronghorn hunts for young ladies right in our backyard through one of their all-women hunting retreats.
  • At the last Chapter Summit, we were visited by Shane Mahoney who shared his passion for the Wild Harvest Initiative. I was impressed by the science and sheer enthusiasm Shane exemplified during his speech about the initiative to the Chapter Presidents that weekend. This will be my FAVORITE initiative by far. I can’t wait to explore and promote this one further.


How did hunting/conservation end up being such a big part of your life?

  • Hunting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my parents owned a local wild game processing plant, and every weekend of free time we had was dedicated to “being in the country.” Being in the country with my family provided some of my favorite memories and still to this day the smell of sage after a storm is my absolute favorite. Both of my parents were/are avid hunters and my younger sister soon followed in their footsteps. During these family hunts I mostly treasured the sights, wildflowers, and exploring my surroundings. It wasn’t until recently that I have started big game hunting myself. I found that I too have a desire to hunt, explore, learn, and feed my family with the best protein source offered by Mother Nature.


What are some of your favorite local hunting opportunities?

  • I put in for the Wyoming 2022 draw for mule deer, elk, and antelope. I was fortunate to draw a cow elk tag and a top-notch antelope tag this year.
  • If we have any extra time in the Fall, my family likes to purchase general tags for whitetail and hunt up around Hulett. Most recently I had the opportunity to hunt geese with WyoBraska Waterfowl in Torrington, WY, and I had the BEST time. I couldn’t believe the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins while the guys were calling in the geese!


What is one thing you won’t go into the field without?

  • One thing that I will not go into the field without would be candy, particularly cinnamon Jolly Ranchers.


Jamie is an absolute champion for Wyoming residents, outfitters, and non-resident hunters alike. If you’re interested in getting involved with DSC Wyoming, or one of our other chapter across the country, please send me an email at

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