Hunter advocacy is one of the arms of the DSC mission. To that end, the DSC-PAC was established to support pro-hunting candidates that will defend our way of life in Washington, D.C. Contributions to DSC-PAC will be directed to campaigns and candidates that unapologetically support our hunting heritage and science-based wildlife management. DSC’s PAC Board thoroughly evaluates every single candidate we give to — we greatly appreciate your donations, and we will put them to the very best use.
Federal election law requires Political Action Committees to use best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 during an election cycle. An individual may not contribute more than a total of $5,000 per election to the political action committee (a couple may give a total of $10,000). Federal law prohibits contributions to the committee from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organizations or national banks (including corporate or other business entity credit cards), from any person contributing another’s funds, from a Federal government contractor, or from a foreign national who lacks permanent resident status. Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. The DSC PAC is a connected PAC, meaning you must be a member of DSC to contribute to its PAC.
Click here to become a DSC member.