DSC would like to note the passing of one of the old guard outdoor writers. Bill Quimby (born 1936) passed away June 20, 2018, at home with his family around him. As the editor of SCI’s Safari magazine for many years, Quimby helped to bring stories from C.J. McElroy, Dick Cabela and Jimmie Rosenbruch, among countless others, to the printed page. In addition to his role as outdoor editor for the Tucson Citizen newspaper, Quimby wrote many books, newspaper columns and magazine articles, and was well-liked by a loyal online readership of hunters and outdoorsmen. Additionally, Quimby hunted for 60 years, taking 60 types of animals in 12 countries, and notably all 10 of Arizona’s indigenous game animals. He is survived by Jean, his wife, and a loving family.

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