DSC “Conservation” Auction Item Preview

This painting is another great auction item that will be available for bidding at the January 7-10 2016 DSC Convention and Sporting Expo,“Conservation.” Be sure to view all of our auction items during the show. For more information, see our current auction items here.

“Cape Buffalo” – Original Oil on Canvas by Artist Peter Bruce

Description:  “Cape Buffalo” – Original oil on canvas by Peter Bruce, measures 20″x24″.  This fabulous painting was inspired by a Cape buffalo bull seen in Manyara Game Reserve in Tanzania where Bruce lived there as manager for a safari company. For over 30 years,Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 2.47.27 PM the artist has lived and worked with wildlife in Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Scotland and Texas. He hand-raised many orphaned animals, including a cheetah, leopard, zebra and even a bobcat. This gave him the opportunity to study these animals up close and observe their habitat and behavior.  He has exhibited locally in Dallas, as well as internationally with Christies Wildlife Auctions, in London.  His paintings have sold world-wide and he has been featured in Wildlife Art Magazine.  The artist now lives in Texas and currently focuses on Texas wildlife art.  100% PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE DSC CONSERVATION SOCIETY. (Value: $3,600)

Peter Bruce Website

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DSC is excited to announce the following changes to the 2016 auctions, designed to provide a better bidding experience for YOU!   

 First, the Main Silent Auction on the convention floor will move from Hall C to a more convenient location in Hall F, which will also house fine guns, ammo, outfitters and accessories.  (Also in – remove)  Hall F will include the Youth Wildlife Conservation Experience area, Bass Pro King of Bucks, and Zeiss Victory Stage for special events. Explore the 2016 DSC show floorplan here: http://www.expocad.com/host/fx/dsc/2016dsc/ .

 Second, we are also pleased to expand the Nightly Silent Auctions, available to banquet attendees Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each night’s auction will present 10 fabulous items, from jewelry to firearms, art to optics.  Finally,  there will also be a variety of exquisite hunts and fishing trips open for mobile bidding each night that will close on Saturday…more information to come soon!!

 We hope these new bidding options will positively add to your bidding experience and look forward to see you in January!

Click here for more information on “Conservation”.

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