Upcoming Award Deadlines

DSC has established several award programs to celebrate individuals and organizations who dedicate their time in support of our hunting heritage and science-based wildlife conservation. Two upcoming award deadlines are listed here: one for anyone with a lifelong involvement in conservation, education and advocacy and one strictly for natural resource professionals and their contribution to both game and non-game species. If you would like to nominate an individual, contact Karrie Meadows, the Awards Coordinator, for more information at karrie@biggame.org, or visit the Awards pages at www.biggame.org.


Peter Hathaway Capstick Hunting Heritage Award – Deadline Aug. 25

This award honors the memory of Peter Hathaway Capstick, a great man whose writings captured his love of the hunt and his respect for and understanding of wildlife and natural resources. Capstick’s defense of the international big game hunting community and the role of hunting in the conservation of wildlife and its habitat made him a household name. The objective of this award is to bring honor and recognition to an individual, organization or group whose achievements reveal a sustained and significant contribution to the conservation of wildlife and its habitat. Additionally, the winner will have shown long-term commitment to our hunting heritage by pursuing that goal for the benefit of future generations. Award criteria include active involvement in: education, hunting, conservation organizations, humanitarian causes, research, permanent endowments, and charitable giving. To nominate, a DSC member should send as much background on the nominee as they deem appropriate. All nominations should be received by the DSC office by August 25. 



Conservation Trailblazer Award – Deadline Sept. 1

The Trailblazer Award celebrates the immense contribution of wildlife professionals to the field of game and non-game wildlife conservation, including wildlife and habitat management, applied research and policy. Nominees must be full-time state, federal, tribal, provincial, government, academic institution or NGO natural resource professionals. The award may be presented to recognize the lifetime career achievements of a distinguished wildlife professional or a specific project with a significant conservation impact.  Any interested conservationist may submit a nomination for this award. Candidates will remain eligible for two years unless re-nominated. Please send nominations and inquiries to the DSC award coordinator at karrie@biggame.org by September 1.

The submission should contain:

  • A detailed nomination statement with the nominee’s scope of work and impact in the field of wildlife conservation
  • At least one additional supporting letter from a nominee’s peer or someone with direct knowledge of the nominee’s work
  • The nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae



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