The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) recently adopted a resolution affirming their support of sustainable use, stating “regulated hunting, fishing and trapping are essential for the conservation of species including endangered and threatened species…” This is an extremely significant statement as AFWA is the body of all 50 state and fish agencies in North America (plus Canada). Read the full resolution below.
RESOLUTION 2019-06-10
WHEREAS, the sustainable use of fish and wildlife is the foundation of natural resource conservation and management in the United States and Canada as embodied by the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation; and WHEREAS, jurisdictions and governments have a responsibility to manage fish and wildlife to ensure sustainable populations; and WHEREAS, hunting, fishing, and trapping are regulated methods of take informed by science which engage the public in a meaningful role in fish and wildlife management and conservation; and WHEREAS, regulated hunting, fishing and trapping are essential for the conservation of species including endangered and threatened species, management of populations, control of disease, resolution of human-wildlife conflicts, support of indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, and protection of sensitive habitats; and WHEREAS, scientifically managed sustainable use may involve individual personal use and/or the trade in fish and wildlife; and WHEREAS, well managed, regulated hunting, fishing, and trapping supports and promotes biodiversity conservation, can affirm strong cultural ties, and is a heritage activity across eons; and WHEREAS, international conventions and treaties promote the sustainable use and trade of fish and wildlife; and WHEREAS, two of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity are to conserve biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components; and WHEREAS, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) exists to ensure international trade in fish, wildlife and plant species is sustainable; and WHEREAS, sustainable trade in CITES-listed species can be an important and beneficial component of sustainable use of fish and wildlife and their conservation including providing funding for and economic incentives to local communities to support fish and wildlife conservation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies reaffirms its support for the sustainable use and regulated trade of fish and wildlife. Submitted by the International Relations Committee and the Sustainable Use of Wildlife Committee. Adopted by the Association on September 25, 2019 in St. Paul, MN