Larry’s Blog: Denmark’s Fallow

“That was not a roe deer! Not with those antlers!” quipped I as a large set of tall, many tined palmate antlers seemingly floated just above and behind a rock wall.  I glanced at Stefan Bengtsson.  My outfitter/guide/fellow wildlife biologist and more importantly friend grinned. “That had to have been a fallow buck, unless it […]

Larry’s Blog: Bearly Today

“Larry really likes sitting on the ground!” answered Brad Fenson before I could, when questioned about how I liked hunting bear. I nodded enthusiastically! “Perfect! We’ve got just the stand for him. There’s been a really smart old bear coming into one of our stands. He’s been seen briefly several times. Hunters we’ve had in […]

Larry’s Blog: The Aging Outdoorsman or Outdoorswoman

Recently while scanning some “social media”, which I only do very occasionally, I found a photo of an older hunter with a really nice whitetail buck.  The caption read, “Granddad, even at 69 is still getting it done!”  That statement made it sound like he had escaped from his death bed or the “Old Folks […]

Larry’s Blog: Becoming A Hog Pistoleero!

Looking for a bit of a challenge? Might I suggest hunting wild hogs with a handgun and more specifically doing so with a Taurus Raging Hunter revolver! Why a pistol and why a revolver over some of the other handgun actions?  With me it goes back to a time when I used to play “cowboys”, […]

Larry’s Blog: The Never Give Up Buck

Did you ever see a “good” buck on your way to camp, or, in a trail camera photo then hunted him in that immediate area for several days?  Then when you did not see him, gave up and started hunting elsewhere?  In that case, did you ever wonder what happened to that buck? Was he […]

Larry’s Blog: Planning

It may be Spring, and your thoughts are upon calling in a gobbler, hunting black bear, or if you’re truly fortunate heading to the southern hemisphere in search of big game adventures.  Those indeed are fun and truly worthwhile.  Even if those are, or are not, in your immediate future, I have got a feeling […]

Larry’s Blog: The Copper Sky

“Not unlike the shine and hue of a newly minted penny!” came the voice from beneath a worn and worn well brown felt hat. “Spect there’s a harsh wind blowing across the western plains. Likely will be getting here about near dark about the time Venus makes her appearance,” said he pointing to the west. […]

Meanwhile Back in West Texas

I was glassing 13 bucks gathered around the “deer feeder.” A buck with extremely darkly stained hocks from his tarsal glands to his ankles, indicating maturity, had already shed his antlers.  The other twelve were 8 to 10 points, likely two- to four-year-olds. Yes…I was hunting from a raised deer blind watching a feed pen […]

Larry’s Blog – Evolution …

Well not really evolution…unless one accepts the definition as “the process of developing.” Then yes, there is evolution, staring at age 6 and evolving to my present age where deer rifles and hunting guns are concerned. I started trying to convince my dad to let me sit by myself hunting deer when I was five. […]

Larry’s Blog – Last Minute

Years ago, back when I was hunting a lot with an inline muzzleloader, a Knight MK85, thanks to the rifle’s creator, Tony Knight, I often got to hunt the Iowa Late Muzzleloader season which extended nearly into the middle of January. During those years using Tony’s creation, shooting 250-grain Hornady SST sabots propelled by 100-grains […]