Conservation Trailblazer Award Nominees Sought by Sept 1

The Trailblazer Award celebrates the immense contribution of wildlife professionals to the field of game and non-game wildlife conservation, including wildlife and habitat management, applied research and policy.

Nominees must be full-time state, federal, tribal, provincial, government, academic institution or NGO natural resource professionals. The award may be presented to recognize the lifetime career achievements of a distinguished wildlife professional or a specific project with a significant conservation impact.

Any interested conservationist may submit a nomination for this award. Candidates will remain eligible for two years unless re-nominated. Please send nominations and inquiries to by September 1.

The submission should contain:

  • A detailed nomination statement with the nominee’s scope of work and impact in the field of wildlife conservation
  • At least one additional supporting letter from a nominee’s peer or someone with direct knowledge of the nominee’s work
  • The nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae

The recipient will be presented the award plus a $10,000 contribution toward his or her work in wildlife conservation at a banquet during the annual DSC Convention. The award will not be given posthumously and can only be won once.

Last year’s winner was Jim Heffelfinger.

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