DSC Foundation: Support Your Passion

Count your Blessings and Support Your Passion

By Richard T. Cheatham, DSC Foundation Executive Director

As 2021 draws to an end, it is quite natural to count our blessings and take time to reflect–on what we have lived through, what we have done, our successes, and yes, even our failures. We also have a chance to ask ourselves if there is yet more that we can do–and that’s a question I want to ask of you.

You have been, or undoubtedly will be, solicited for year-end support from many groups. Hunting, wildlife, and wilderness for some, lack the emotional, heartstring-tugging appeal that many causes have, but make no mistake, the need for support is just as critical and desperately needed.

DSC Foundation has proven itself as a worthy recipient of your year-end charitable donations. Evidence of our work can be found at dscf.org, on our Facebook page and our Instagram feed. We have received universal acclaim for our support for conservation, outdoor education and advocacy for the rights of hunters. Our commitment to wise use of donor funding is without parallel, as is our understanding of the enormous responsibility that your trust in us entails.

Your donations to DSC Foundation make a huge difference at home and around the world.  We see it and can assure you that the non-hunting world see it as well.

As you make your decisions on year-end charitable contributions, we ask this of you: help us show the world that we are still exactly who President Roosevelt said we are–the best ally that wildlife and wild places have. Help us show the world the value of hunting and hunting revenue. We have often said that hunting and hunter dollars are the fuel that drives the engine of conservation. The need for that fuel never ends and only gets greater. We need your continued and renewed financial support to carry on this fight.

Please help DSC Foundation by directing your year-end charitable donations to our worthy cause. You can do so by check to be sent to the Foundation at 13709 Gamma Road, Dallas, Texas 75244, or by making a contribution through the donate tab at dscf.org. Please contact the Foundation at 972-851-9171 or by email directed to info@dcsf.org  to discuss any other financial support you wish to offer.

Our challenges are great and our foes are strong and well-funded, but our will, our commitment to our cause, our unwavering belief in what we do and the benefits that our efforts bring, are greater

Thank you for you for all that you do for hunting and conservation and for your support of DSC Foundation and Dallas Safari Club

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