How to Protect Your Privacy Against Humane Society International's FOIA

From our media partners at The Hunting Report:

The private information of hunters who have imported trophies into or out of the United States may be released to Humane Society International (HSI), the international wing of Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Using the Freedom of Information Act, HSI has requested information from most US Fish & Wildlife Service 3-177 forms (Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife) submitted in 11 of the past 14 years. All animal parts trade must be declared on these forms. HSI has asked for all information in bock 13a of the form. That block includes your “Complete name/U.S. address/telephone number/e-mail address.” HSI and USFWS are in litigation, and HSI is asking for this particular information (and more, but that is less relevant to recreational hunters).

We suggest animal part importers (hunters) send the following simple comment email to USFWS on or before November 22:

Address to:

Re: HSI v. USFWS, No. 16-720, Ref. No. 7202.4-OS-2-16-00042.

Dear Sir,

This comment responds to the notice published in the Federal Register at 81 Fed. Reg. 75838 (Nov 1, 2016). I am a recreational hunter who has imported wildlife parts over the years in issue (2002-2010, 2013 and 2014). I object to the release under the Freedom of Information Act of any of my personal identification or contact information, which I was mandated to provide in block 13a. of form 3-177. HSI may use that private personal information or distribute it to other anti-hunters to harass me, my family, friends or business customers and partners alike. They are already doing this as a regular part of their anti-hunting strategy.

Please do not release this personal identification and contact information. It is protected under exemptions 4, 6, and 7(C) of FOIA and the Privacy Act. Of course, my identity and contact information on this email is also exempted from disclosure.

Thank you.

Your complete name.

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