Just Getting Started


This article is from the March issue of Camp Talk, DSC’s monthly news letter for it’s members. For more issues of Camp Talk, please visit the webpage here.

Since the groundbreaking news that DSC is forming chapters, it has been a whirlwind of activity ever since. The convention was especially enlightening with more than a dozen solid inquiries regarding the formation of a local chapter. These inquiries are coming from not only Texas, but many other areas around North America. I believe the timing is right, and I do believe we have a fabulous program for those who want to form a DSC Chapter in their area. We are looking for regionally based, solid chapters who will support and promote DSC’s mission, coupled with their own chapter mission. DSC chapters can direct the spending of 95 percent of the money they raise!

Two chapters are currently on board. Both the Lubbock and the Northeast chapters held their inaugural banquets in March. These special banquets feature a marvelous meal, and the opportunity to purchase or win amazing hunts, guns, and other outdoor-related trips and merchandise via live auction, silent auction, raffles, and games. From the time you enter the room until you leave, you are treated to an amazing night of fun, comraderie, and fundraising.

I couldn’t be happier as I work with these two chapters, and begin the process of adding more along the way. The passion for the mission, the commitment to the team, and the desire to “give back” are what makes the members of each chapter so special.

If you would like to be a part of our amazing chapter network, please contact me for further details. I will be more than happy to answer questions and assist you in moving forward. CT


For more inofrmation on the new chapter system, or to contact Kim Rappleye, please visit the chapter webpage here.

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