Letter From the President: March Issue

My last article was looking forward in anticipation of our virtual event. I am here to say that we totally underestimated our members and their willingness to support this organization! I will never do that again.

We were truly humbled by the support we received from those that participated in the four events in February. The involvement from all over the U.S. and the world was extremely gratifying. Let me extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you.

All of this would not have been possible without our exhibitors who stepped up during these hard times and gave us tremendous donations. Their generosity will not be forgotten. The staff and volunteers that worked around the clock to make this happen deserve our appreciation. To the sponsors that stuck with us, thank you! Finally, the Safari Classics staff knocked it out of the park with the video and tech approach to make the virtual event soar. Their innovation and let’s-get-it-done attitude made this experience so much more enjoyable and less stressful than it could have been.

As DSC’s year closes out, I believe we can be proud of how we weathered the COVID storm. We are still standing strong for conservation and hunters’ rights here and abroad. I am looking forward to the future of DSC. With the incoming leadership on the board, our Executive Director Corey Mason, DSC Staff, and our amazing members, I truly believe we are positioned to expand our influence in the world of conservation.

Good hunting and stay safe!

Mark R. Little

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