Volunteers, members, exhibitors, attendees…have you ever missed out on winning a special deer hunt, fishing trip or firearm in DSC’s silent auctions because you couldn’t attend a closing? Well, miss out no longer! This year, silent auction bidders may register online and bid remotely TODAY for those items and much, much more. Follow your favorites and bid whenever and wherever you wish. Place a maximum bid (the most you would bid on an item), and you won’t have to worry about bidding each time you’re out bid…and don’t worry…if someone outbids your max bid you will be notified via text message. Register today and see for yourself how easy (and fun) bidding in Silent Auction can be.
To register, text DSC2017 to 24700 or click HERE.
We hope you enjoy this new enhancement to DSC’s Silent Auctions – Happy Bidding!
**PLEASE NOTE: All items in DSC’s 2017 Adventure’s Silent Auctions will be offered via Remote or Mobile Bidding through Give Smart. This means paper bid sheets will not be used. However, if bidders wish to place a bid and do not have access to their mobile device, a Give Smart representative will be available to act as their personal shopper.