Dave Fulson, DSC Life Member
The other night it was my pleasure to be the guest speaker at the DSC monthly meeting. One hundred and sixty odd members, guests, and like-minded folks were kind enough to come hear my presentation, “ Cape Buffalo- The Future Is Now.” I certainly enjoyed speaking on a subject I am so passionate about, and I hope my audience found it entertaining.
Before the night was through, we had the honor of turning several people who came as guests into fellow DSC members, including quite a few that decided to become Life Members. By doing so, they have joined like-minded people from around the globe who support the DSC Mission Statement. They are also about to meet some of the greatest people in any organization, some of which will become close, and even life long friends.
As much as DSC is about ‘What We Do,’ it’s about ‘ Who We Are.’ We are teachers, doctors, salesmen, policemen, veterans and current servicemen. We are men, we are women, we’re young, old, and middle age. We cross race, economic classes, gender, religion, and political lines with ease. Typically we support our hunting heritage with our voices, votes, and wallets.
We are inclusive, encouraging others to join our world, or at the very least to try to understand the positive role of a true hunter-conservationist in a society increasingly uninformed about our many contributions. And, especially when it comes to our members, we continue to embrace the spirit of volunteerism.
Examples? Easy! Look no further than the annual DSC Convention held each January in Dallas, Texas. There is a hard working army of volunteer members marching under the banner of ‘DSC 100.’ The 100 does not refer to bodies, but instead it stands for the one hundred percent given by the dedicated DSC members that volunteer to put the four day show together. It is a Herculean task, yet they pull it off so smoothly each year it is often overlooked by the 50,000 attendees that come to enjoy the show. But they are there, from set up to tear down, and every second in between. They make our convention the most unique and well-attended show of it’s kind in the industry.
But the convention is just one example of members donating their time, talent, and passion. Volunteers are the lifeblood of events like the SAFETY events held each spring and fall. You will see volunteers driving efforts of the DSC Conservation Society, and helping to organize the new DSC Chapter Program events.
Indeed, the greatest of all gifts is the gift of time. And DSC is proud of the ever-growing number of members who want to leave their personal mark by volunteering their time for an organization that promotes our great American hunting heritage.
Certainly there are many who do not share our beliefs. One lives in the White House, and one may live in the house next door. It is up to you and me to tell our story, for it is one to be proud of. The great battle is not with those whose minds cannot be changed, for like us, they are unmovable in their beliefs. The future will be won, or lost as each side tries to sway the undecided and uninformed middle. Science is on our side. The Constitution is on our side. Yet the glorious American heritage of hunting is hanging in the balance.
There is strength in numbers, just as there is political muscle. Join DSC and become a voice for hunting, hunter’s rights, and sustainable use of our wildlife and wild places. If you are already a member, bring a friend to a meeting, the convention, or to any DSC activity or event. They will like what they see!
I’m proud to be a member of this fine organization. I am blessed with the friendships it has provided me, and I believe it represents my future, our future. Join us. But be careful- we’ll put you to work!