View from A Virtual Creek, Post Twelve

Hunting with a Handgun?

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Larry Weishuhn is a widely known writer, speaker, raconteur and world hunter. He co-hosts “DSC’s Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” on Pursuit Channel, CarbonTV and the show’s YouTube Channel.[/author_info] [/author]


“And just what do you intend to do with that short gun? It is a gun isn’t it?”  Snicker, snicker!


A few minutes later shooting from the bench at 100 yards with two fellow hunters using Ruger M77 .300 Win Mag rifles it was my turn to confirm I was sighted in. I knew my Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag, topped with Trijicon’s RMR red dot sight, shooting Hornady’s 240-grain XTP was previously sighted in it at 75 yards. I held dead center but at the top of the 3-inch center bullseye, then gently tugged the trigger. The shot took out the center “X”. My second shot was an inch to the right of my first. My third shot an inch to the left. No more snickering…


I dearly love hunting with Ruger’s single-actions handguns, meaning you have to cock the hammer before pulling the trigger to make it fire, reminiscent of the “old west” revolvers.


Hunting with Ruger revolvers, I had taken a wide variety of animals from elk down to whitetails here in North America, as well as plains game in Africa. I love the perceived challenge of hunting with “short-barrel guns.” But in truth, Ruger’s revolvers with appropriate Hornady ammo, topped Trijicon’s RMR or SR sights, are extremely accurate and deadly.


Like with any other gun, you need to know your firearm’s limitations and your limitations with that gun. And as with any other gun the bullet goes where the barrel is pointed when the trigger is pulled.


Think you might be ready this fall for the challenge of hunting with a handgun?

Regardless of what is going on in the world there are always small things, of beauty and splendor, for us to enjoy, admire and appreciate!

Watch “DSC’s Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV show on our YouTube Channel, or on CarbonTV.

If you haven’t heard any of the “DSC’s Untamed Heritage” podcasts, visit to listen to one of our 30 podcast episodes.

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