WSF: Managed by Science for BC & Yukon Dall’s Sheep

The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) and its Chapters and Affiliates flash-raised $274,000 to fund a multi-jurisdictional Dall’s sheep project as part of the Carcross Cross-Border Sheep Project initiative. The appeal came during the final evening of a two-day WSF Chapter & Affiliate (C&A) Summit held in Rapid City, South Dakota, hosted by the Midwest Chapter […]
Planning Your Hunt: From the Larry Weishuhn Series

Photos by Larry Weishuhn Outdoors Where Are You Going/What Are You Hunting “Want to go to Uganda?” questioned Tim Fallon of FTW Ranch and Sportsman’s All-Weather All-Terrain Marksmanship (S.A.A.M.) training fame when I stopped by the booth at the DSC Convention. Tim and I had previously shared hunting adventures together in Alaska, Austria, Benin, Burkina […]
Safari: From the Larry Weishuhn Series

Photos by Larry Weishuhn Outdoors Larry Weishuhn is a widely known writer, speaker, raconteur and world hunter. You can catch his podcast DSC’s Campfires here. Safari: Swahili for a journey, an expedition, or a walking out Safari: from the Arabic verb “safar” defined as to take a journey, the noun safariya meaning the journey […]
On the Road for Roe: from the Larry Weishuhn Series

On the Road for Roe Photos by Larry Weishuhn Outdoors [author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Larry Weishuhn is a widely known writer, speaker, raconteur and world hunter. You can catch his podcast DSC’s Campfires here. [/author_info] [/author] While Spring may not yet have sprung, it is indeed right around the corner! Time to go hunt […]
DSC Congratulates Martha Williams on Confirmation to Lead the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
For Immediate Release. February 20, 2022 For more info, contact Karrie Kolesar or (972) 980-9800 DSC congratulates U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Director Williams who was confirmed last week on a voice vote in the U.S. Senate. Williams has a strong background in wildlife conservation and management. Hailing from Montana, Williams was […]
DSC Joins 54 Other Hunt Fish 30×30 Organizations to Submit Formal Recommendations to the Biden Administration
October 13, 2021 (WASHINGTON, D.C) – Earlier today, DSC joined 54 other members of the Hunt Fish 30×30 Coalition to submit a set of formal recommendations for the Biden Administration’s “America the Beautiful” initiative, also referred to as “Thirty by Thirty.” The recommendations highlight several priorities of the sporting-conservation community as they relate to the […]
Interior Announces Largest Expansion of Fishing and Hunting on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Managed Lands and Waters
[box] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced new or expanded hunting and sport fishing opportunities across 2.1 mission acres on August 30. The full press release is below.[/box]
Firearm Industry Surpasses $14 Billion in Pittman-Robertson Excise Tax Contributions for Conservation
NSSF® the firearm industry trade association marked a milestone achievement when firearm and ammunition manufacturers topped $14.1 billion in contributions to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its inception in 1937.
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-seven

Earth Day 2021 – Restore Our Earth
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-six

Learning from Mistakes