Wild Harvest Initiative® Podcast Series featuring Shane and Randy Newberg: Wild Harvest, Healthy Food

Join Shane and Randy as they discuss Conservation Visions’ ground-breaking Wild Harvest Initiative® Research and Advocacy Program; the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation; the myriad benefits of sustainable wild harvest – even to those who oppose animal use; and the future of hunting around the world. CLICK HERE to view on Youtube.
Next Season Starts Now

This article was written by Life Member Billy Kinder, Owner of Kinder Productions, Inc. & Host of Kinder Outdoors-SiriusXM As I exited the woods for the very last time during deer season this year, it had a melancholy feel. Each trip is full of wonder just like that first trip when dad toted me along. […]
DSC Joins 54 Other Hunt Fish 30×30 Organizations to Submit Formal Recommendations to the Biden Administration
October 13, 2021 (WASHINGTON, D.C) – Earlier today, DSC joined 54 other members of the Hunt Fish 30×30 Coalition to submit a set of formal recommendations for the Biden Administration’s “America the Beautiful” initiative, also referred to as “Thirty by Thirty.” The recommendations highlight several priorities of the sporting-conservation community as they relate to the […]
Interior Announces Largest Expansion of Fishing and Hunting on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Managed Lands and Waters
[box] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced new or expanded hunting and sport fishing opportunities across 2.1 mission acres on August 30. The full press release is below.[/box]
Roe Deer in Sweden: A Larry Weishuhn Series

Roe Deer in Sweden
The MAPLand Act: Bringing Public Land Access into the 21st Century

Digital mapping technologies have become an essential part of a hunter’s toolkit, particularly on public lands across the country. Equipped with only a smartphone or a handheld GPS unit, sportsmen and women can see exactly where they stand relative to landmarks and property boundaries, enabling them to stay safe and legal while afield.
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-seven

Earth Day 2021 – Restore Our Earth
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-six

Learning from Mistakes
A Larry Weishuhn Series, Post Fifty-five

Aoudad Dreaming II
Department of Agriculture Declares April Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month

[author] [author_image timthumb=’off’]https://www.biggame.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/USDA_logo.png[/author_image] [author_info]On April 5, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture proclaimed April Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. The following is a release from USDA for Outdoor Enthusiasts to do their part to stop the spread of invasive plants.[/author_info] [/author] The next time you enjoy the great outdoors, you can also help protect […]